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tv   KRON 4 Evening News  KRON  April 29, 2011 5:30pm-7:00pm PDT

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>>live, from the bay area's news station, this is kron4 news at 5:30 p.m. >>catherine: you're looking at the disney cruise ship wonder. this arrived in san francisco this morning. this is the first time that the popular cruise line has visited the bay area. charles clifford one on board today he is alive with more what does it mean for a local business. it has to be good a guess? >> it's and i ship, there is the wonder. its stock at pier 35. its 877 rooms, 1000 crewmembers. 3000 passengers, a third of which are children. all the visitors are going to get off the boat at some point
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and come down here to the embarcadero and have a look around and spend a little money. that's good news a few of the business along the embarcadero. the nearby only as san francisco gunshop the manager said crew ships like the wonder are good for business. >> to bring traffic in here in our business goes up. they can increase our business anywhere from 10 to 20 percent when a crew ship comes in. >>reporter: according to the port of san francisco they see 50 cruise ships annually. >> last year was not bad, this year it is pretty soft. this month coming up in they will be a very strong month for cruise ships. >>reporter: some more good news for san francisco, disney cruise lines plans to return of the six times during 2012 in the port of san francisco is using the upcoming america's cup race to lure more cruise lines to the area. >> it's a good point because
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if you on a crew shop and you tried appear you get a good view of the races when they occur. i think that would be a good selling point. >>reporter: the wonder is scheduled to leave san francisco tomorrow evening. they're going to spend the summer cruising the coast of alaska. in san francisco, charles clifford. >>grant: an update on friday and conditioned the hospital must angeles has been trading at said he is off the medication to stop the seizures. so far he has not started seizing again. they say he remains in critical condition and he remains in a coma. he may remember the giants fan who was brutally beaten outside the chargers game earlier this month. it is taken off the medication before buddy started seizing. the head at the back on it. they have been winning him off this week so will see how he does. reporting live, kron 4 news.
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>>catherine: more than 30 home burglaries and piedmont this year, and doubled the number of break-ins from last year. the most recent, on the 60th block, two african-american men spot in the neighborhood shortly before and after a number of the homes were burglarized. the police chief talked about racial profiling in connection to the crime. >> your typical burglar in a matter what race they are is going to do it the same tactic. for going to go to a front door and knock on the door, see if anybody answers if nobody answers the sifters anyone in the house. we've had one specific woman who was fearful of calling us a with a full day to report what she saw because she did want to be accused of racial profiling. i answer to the public on that is you're not doing a racial profiling on the
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person you're doing the profiling on the manner that the subjects are acting. that's what we're concerned about. if you see somebody or have somebody come up to your door and knock on it and ask for somebody you have no idea is, most likely that will be a burger three suspect give us a >>catherine: call. the chief said most of the burglaries in piedmont are happening today when thieves figure people are at work. the san jose can of his club goes up in flames. this happened at the urban appeal dispensary. nobody was injured, the fire caused $65,000 in damage. this is the second fire, the last bomb was back in january. new questions for pg&e record keeping after the san bruno gas line explosion which killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes. several years before this happened, california
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regulators say the utility was writing key documents in erasable ink. in response pg&e issued in employee bulletin in december 2007 ordering that records be written and permitting. in santa cruz police are try to figure out if the 63 year- old parolee john it is responsible for the death of a woman whose body was found in his apartment tuesday. you're looking at the apartment. police found the body of 30 year-old howard stern's. the see the body may have been up there for two weeks. he did not report it but he is considered a suspect. no charges have been filed. >>brian: a nice afternoon and evening, sunshine all over. the skies are clear but it is when the right now. winds topping 30 m.p.h. in many spots. temperatures in the '60s. we did briefly make it in the '70s through the east bay an inland locations. 68 santa rosa, 66
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not all, 55-day. tomorrow sunshine and in going to be windy. winds 30 to 40 m.p.h. but it's clear to get a lot warmer than what we saw today. san francisco 70 degrees, mid-70s for oakland san jose. possibly mid to upper '70's for santa rosa and other spots and to the north bay. sunday, sunny once again and even warmer. for going into a warming trend this weekend: look for mid-70s differences go in oakland. 84 for san jose and maybe even some low 80's for santa rosa. next week is looking nice i will show you the here is a look at your 7 day around the bay run the bay coming up. hey marcel, watch this!
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hey marcel, watch this! [ buzzer sounds ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hey marcel, watch this! yeah, marcel! -marcel! -hey marcel! are you listening to me? marcel! [ male announcer ] only at&t u-verse lets you follow your favorite channels on one screen. just $29 a month for the first six months -- dvr included. in the network there are no hard choices.
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made with only premium cuts of pork since 1945. johnsonville. sausage is all we do.
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>>j.r.stone: this is the most challenging part of the race, besides the difficulty this is also the place for people or sloppy. he seen the people behaving badly stories where people are making a mess. that type of behavior will not be tolerated this year. nobody wants to take fun of the race, but that has happened in the past. to many people getting drunk and out of hand. s.f. pd will be out in full force looking for people with open containers of alcohol and people for drug. the past is past, no alcohol. nothing with the we will will be allowed in the course that includes strollers, unicycles, skateboard's or skates. costumes are encouraged by remember you have to be registered to be on the course. in the past it was a free-for-all and anyone who wanted to could be on the course but this year, they're taking it seriously
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and only registered racers will be allowed. in san francisco, kron 4 news. >>catherine: dolmas our exclusive coverage of the bay to breakers, sunday may 15th we will have coverage along the course will be began in may 15th at 80 on here on kron 4 news.
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>>grant: traffic is backed up for miles on 280 because of that accident to southbound lanes closed. a major delays in the northbound lanes it. here is the video. it happened right before farm hill road, just before 5:00 to cars involved. the yellow roadside assistance truck collided with another car. the driver moderate to major injuries, he was taken to the hospital. the truck is now on the way to help flip that truck back over. as we
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said major traffic issues on 280 backed up for miles in both directions. two southbound lanes are closed right now. that's the latest. we will keep you updated. reporting live, kron 4 news. >>catherine: the atlanta braves have placed the pitching coach of the ministry of leave. pending an investigation into homophobic comments and crude gestures. that he allegedly made towards fans. he is also accused of threatening a fan with a baseball bat. he apologized in a statement. major league baseball said there waiting to hear from the team before deciding on possible penalties. atlanta braves pitcher derek out on bond after being arrested thursday night and accused of driving under the influence. police say he was raising his porsche along with another car in atlanta, officers say they smelled alcohol they gave him a sobriety test and he failed. he was released early this
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morning, charged with driving under the influence, reckless driving. in the middle of a four year $60 million contract with the braves, in a statement the team said they are concerned the sharks are hoping to take a bite out of detroit. the team continues its march towards the stanley cup in tonight's playoff game. vern glenn is live at the shark tank. more people behind me now. what's happening? >>vern: i'm in a sea of humanity. this is the sharks' fans rallied.rally. i mt say he haven't looked any better. (laughter) >>vern: 3 craftsmanship, we have face painting, games, and over here the famous shark tank. this guy wears a
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detroit red wings sweater, he's going to climb back up again docked. a lot of good times debbie be had. lasr they knocked off the two- time defending champions in five games. some members of the red wings getting off the bus about an hour ago. people are expecting the sharks to do the same. the players are saying not so fast. >> a lot of people will want to compare to last year's playoffs. this is definitely a new team in a different team than we face last year. again it's going to be a series. >>vern: the puck will drop a few minutes after 7:00. if you just can't the left be
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good to see our man getting dropped into the drink. it will take you back in studio and we will have more in the next hour. what a party over here. we will see you later. >>catherine: kron 4 partnering with stub hub to give away tickets to see the sharks game on sunday. they will face off against the red wigs again. kimberly tells us how to enter the contest. >>kimberlee: this is all going down right here on our face book fan page. i will show you how to enter. you have to go door kron 4 facebook fan page. look to the left-hand side, you have options for pictures and information or did you just click that to get to the next page. in order to enter, you have to be a fan of the kron 4 face book fan page. if you're not just click like at the top, once you do that a new image will pop up saying we like youtube, click your to enter for a chance to it will win
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tickets for game 2 at hd pavilion. you of access to a very special kron 4 entry page to win those tickets. go to the kron 4 face book fan page, click leg and then turn now. >>brian: the entire bay area blue skies and gorgeous weather. it's really been wendy, they will continue for the evening, sometimes 30 to 40 m.p.h.. the winds will diminish over night and then temperatures will be cool overnight. tomorrow will be a fantastic, gorgeous day. sunshine for the morning, chile inland but the temperatures will warm up quickly. by the afternoon '70s everywhere. 6:00 a.m. watch what happens through the day by
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the afternoon, 1-2-3:00 that's when were hitting the warmest temperatures of the day. a lot of yellow showing highs into the '70s. most locations will be in the '70s with the exception of the immediate coast line that will be in the '60s. nice weather to get out and about, great weather for the sierra as well. clear skies here, when the tomorrow in this era, when is getting up there temperatures above 50 degrees but sunny skies, no snow or rain. eventually into the 60's by the beginning of next week. it reads warm all all over the state of california for the week ahead. in the morning ratings in the 30's north bay, 30's for and livermore, low to mid '40's for the north bay. a chilly night tonight but replaced by warm temperatures for the afternoon. look for '70s all the way up to 77 santa
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rosa, '70s san francisco, 75 san jose, 76 concord in antioch. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay, things warm up a few more degrees sunday and we stay on the warm side for next week. but for sunshine and patchy morning fog. highs in the '80s inland through the week perhaps even close to 90 degrees by thursday. '70s and maybe '80s and the side. >>now, here is gabe slate, with some tech news. >>gabe: i ever really cool new gadget to show you. it's a transformer, a regular net book with the push of one button the screen pops out and you're holding a fully functional tablet. it's called the e pad transformer. the first 12 hours a was on the market sold out on the amazon and target. they told me you could probably find more and best buy stores. the e pad works like a net book or tablet running on google new special operating system for tablets named honey call. the tablet has access to the
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thousands of box an android market. i think it's billion tablets are great for casual web surfing, games but for one your document creating a net book or a laptop is better. it's faster when typing on a real physical keyboard. it has 3d stereo speakers building, the sound is really good. it has the five mega pixel cameras on the back side and a front facing camera for video chat in. the top will get town and hours of battery life but when it's connected to the keyboard days, the keyboard acts like charger and will add six hours extra battery life. i like the feel of it, looked at his keyboard option this is a good google days tablet. the pad transformer is $400 for 16 date model and $500 for a 32 gig model. gabe slate, kron 4 news. >>brian: your ski report, tons of snow in the sierra and good skiing. temperatures in the '50s that light level. alpine
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meadows three runs, kirkwood with the base are run 20 ft., for wines. squaw valley open with 9 lifts and 155 runs. it will be back. i'm done with all these lists. and driving all over town.
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i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] plus we have great club card specials like refreshe water, 24 packs are only $2.99 each. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. ♪ and i'll pass you by
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>>catherine: regulators are targeting companies that make foods high in fat, salt are sugar. they're looking closely at cartoon characters used in marketing. stricter rules are being proposed for website some ads that appeared to be on-line games. product placement in movies and tv a lot of that happening. those guidelines are voluntary but companies could face pressure to play along. many companies say they're already working to make products healthier and to adjust to marketing. an appeals court has decided to lift the ban on federally funded research on an embryonic stem cells. the judge said the research was
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destroying embryos and that was a violation of congressional spending laws. scientists believe that stem cell research could hold the key to curing many diseases like parkinson's. take yourself to the prom if you have nothing else going on. it is one of the new movies opening today. as mike jones tells us. >>reporter: fast 5, dominick played by vendor is allby vin dt federal agents on their tail, this latest fast and furious installation is rated pg-13. even if you're not going to the prom you can experience it. the teen comedy prom pokes fun at the teenage and next surrounding the event. from is rated pg.
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if you like the first hoodwink you might wonder bring it to hoodwink to. in this version they're called into action by the happily ever after agency. the mission? to investigate the disappearance of two kids. hoodwink to is rated g..
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>>live, from the bay area's news station, this is kron4 news at 6:00. >>catherine: mere jean-quan closing the deficit of $58 million. almost every department could face cuts. the ear to the british throne is now married, prince william and mary's kid middleton's as the future king and queen exchange thousand front of 2
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billion people. first the search for survivors continuing in the south. the region was battered by tornadoes leaving more than 300 people dead. it is being called one of the deadly tornado outbreaks in u.s. history. from this is a feature bring virginimississipp nearly 1 million people remained without power. it could be weeks before to restored. if 35 emergency response teams have been deployed to alabama alone. president barack obama the first and look at the destruction today. he in the first lady stopped in alabama. one of the hardest- hit areas. >> it is heartbreaking, we were just talking to some residents here were lucky enough to escape alive but have lost everything. they mentioned that been there neighbors have lost two of
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their grandchildren of want to make a commitment to the communities here that we're going to do everything we can to help these communities rebuild. >>catherine: with each day that passes forcing new pictures of the incredible destruction. grant joins us live in the studio with a look at some of the most compelling pictures. >>grant: you have to steer its of these pictures to see everything in them. the debris on top of rubble in some cases on top of cars. this road is passable but look at all the debris piled on either side. you could see this set from the cleanup efforts. unbelievable cars and trucks were just tossed around like toys in some cases. it almost looks like what we saw in japan after the tsunami an earthquake. look at all these cars. this is actually the parking lot to a shopping center. it's almost like it's in the movies. this woman totally
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off struck looking at it. who knows what to make of all of this. so many people saying they feel like it's not real. this is a cvs, the roof came crashing down. this looks like a roll of some sort. you have all of these items piled up it and here is a city worker trying to clear off wires from a car and power as catherine mentioned still out for nearly a million people it's unbelievable we will keep you posted on the latest images leaked yet. live in the studio, kron 4 news. if >>catherine: the mississippi gov. toward the town of smith felt today. this is a small town of 900 people. they lost 14 people in the tornado. it had winds of 200 mi. an hour. hundreds of homes across the state have
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been damaged. one of the biggest concerns, the people were missing. >> in this county we still have a number of people who were unaccounted for. we hope that they will be out of town, we'll have fled the storm all the we don't know. that's why search and rescue continues. >>catherine: the governor said he is grateful that the president is promising to fast track federal assistance. the mayor of oakland is facing opposition from other city leaders on how to fix in the city's finances. jonathan blum talked with the mayor and has more of her proposals. >>jonathan: what it comes to oakland's a budget shortfall, the mayor is hoping for the best it but planning for the worst. she has released three different city budgets. banking on the chance that voters and labor unions may help bridge the
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gap. planning for what will be cut if not. >> i could've taken a guest and said this is what i think will happen and put a one budget. the reality is not all in my hands, part of it is in the hands of the city council and part of it will be in the hands of the citizens of oakland. >>jonathan: the first variable is in june when the city council might remind not be able to talk labor unions and giving back some benefits. the second variable is in august when the city may or may not have an election by mail to ask voters if they will raise property tax. if neither one happens, oakland is left with scenario a the worst case. >> it's likely it will be better than this worst-case scenario, this gives you a good look of what it would mean. >>jonathan: that scenario would see the closure of four fire stations, for recreation centers, most libraries and some programs for seniors. funding a parks ensue would be cut and all employees would take 15 days
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off without pay. the mayor admits gramm. >> keels had to hold a gun to my head to do scenario a were we closed libraries. >>jonathan: it assumes concessions from unions but no parcel tax. some funding to parts would be cut and a few fire stations will close in the winter but there would be no furloughs. then the best case would still involve 80 layoffs but no major cuts to services. it to require union concessions and of over improved tax hike which the mayor pushes for. >> on not giving up. >>jonathan: 03 scenario see elected officials taking a 15% pay cut. the mayor said she was to bring back another 20 laid-off police officers because she said that's cheaper than training to officers. in oakland, kron 4 news. >>catherine: continuing our team coverage, this comes on the heels of millions of
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dollars in cuts in oakland in recent years. cuts which have affected every department, every citizen. as theresa reports, residents say enough is enough. >>terisa: sloshing part make mince in oakland by cutting 25 positions could mean residents out walking here could see trash build up as well as a general upkeep of the area go down. parks and recreation is just one of the many departments facing deep cuts as the city faces a multimillion-dollar deficit. residents say it is shocking and sad. >> i don't think they should do it all, more people need it to. if we let them do this than there just going to keep cutting more stuff. >> it's really difficult because oakland have some some much infrastructure that needs to be invested in. shutting it down even more is difficult. >> it's a sad state of affairs if not just for california but the nation itself on how were handling
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our finances. >>terisa: reporting live, kron 4 news. >>brian: sunshine today but the winds have been strong this evening between 20 and 30 m.p.h. the good news is the last hour these winds have started to subside. very breezy, 15 to 20 m.p.h. still 31 m.p.h. winds at sfo. for the rest of the night the winds will gradually start to die down. temperature is currently in the '60s. the warmest and not bought at 60 degrees, 64 san jose, 60 san francisco. tomorrow, looking good, sunny still the winds up there possibly 30 to 40 m.p.h. but much warmer temperatures. it will get up to 70 degrees for san francisco, mid-70s for oakland and san jose. it did to possibly a upper '70's
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for santa rosa. things warm up even more for sunday, sunshine not as windy and look at these numbers. mid- 70s from san francisco to oakland. at beautiful weekend in more nice what they're on the way for next week. >>catherine: a harrowing story of survivor in the east bay. these are photos of a man who spent three days trapped in his car after the car went down a 150 ft investment. 53 year- old james wright rescue this morning, a park rangers of the sun's reflection on his car. it was stuck on the hillside just off the boulevard. he survived without food or water in the car. he was rushed to the hospital, investigators think the car went off the road after he suffered some kind of medical problem. i checked on traffic, the 680 in walnut creek at the 24-
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hour period cars headed our way moving in the to the direction a little bit slowly on this friday evening but not bad. more news ahead. hey marcel, watch this!
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hey marcel, watch this! [ buzzer sounds ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hey marcel, watch this! yeah, marcel! -marcel! -hey marcel! are you listening to me? marcel! [ male announcer ] only at&t u-verse lets you follow your favorite channels on one screen. just $29 a month for the first six months -- dvr included. in the network there are no hard choices.
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>>catherine: it was the wedding watch around the world. prince william and keep middleton now married, of new titles come with that. the couple known as the duke and duchess of cambridge. there were taken away on the horse-drawn carriage after saying i do. people were impressed on how, and confident william kate seemed. our reporter takes you through the highlights. >>reporter: not one but two kisses for william and catherine. it was the climax of a day filled with, and pageantry, excitement and suspense. not only for the couple in the gas but for the people lined the streets. hoping to get an up
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close glimpse of a historic royal celebration. as early as 8:15 a.m., guests began arriving at westminster abbey or the 11:00 a.m. ceremony was held. among them celebrities. david and victoria and elton john. then the rival's of bigotry'of dignitaries. finallye bride catherine milton and accompanied by her father is stepping out of the hotel trust in a town that had been kept a mystery. the designer sarah burton of alexander mcqueen. after her formal walk down the aisle a fairy tale ceremony. marking the end of the e your core chip in the beginning of royal matrimony. she every second of the day watch by a predicted audience of
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billions broadcast live on television's and the internet. after some down time and extra surprise for the crowds that state. william j. driving down the mall into convertibles, loss of three british and to a special british day. to think they said it was going to rain in the weather would spoil everything, in the and we got a beautiful sunny day and it was dry throughout the ceremony. prince harry was right, he said take of the weatherman says and it will do exactly the opposite. in london, don. if >>kimberlee: today on our face book fan page 8 was filled with royal wedding comments. let's take a look at our comments for the day. i thought was wonderful, a fairy tale nothing wrong with that. prince william looks happy. it was sweet, you notice it seems like william hasn't stopped smiling four weeks. they look happy and i think it will be together for a long time. if you'd like to do the comments for the day
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does go to our face book fan page and leave your thoughts on the stories, pictures and video. stay with us more news after the break. [ jerry ] look at this!
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you got a state-of-the-art man-cave, but the savings account of a cave-man! hey sports fans check this out. [ beep ] oops, my bad. earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking, baby! ooh, 3-d! instead of earning bupkus, your savings could be earning three times the national average! three times more. go online to what's in your wallet? what's this do? [ beeping ]
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>>grant: and some blue cross health insurance policyholders will see their rates go what starting sunday policyholders will pay an average of 15% more than they had been paying. about 120,000 people are going to be impacted. california regulators are not at all happy with this double digit hike. they call it unreasonable. that's the latest. >>brian: a view from the route shows blue skies, not a cloud in the sky today. it's really nice, although the winds have been an issue for this afternoon. they did up to close to 40 mi. an hour at times and they will be breezy to this evening.
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diminishing later tonight and over night. temperatures will plummet once again, 30's and land with '40's near the bay. much warmer for tomorrow, i think will be in the '70s most locations around the bay. 6:00 a.m. temperatures '40's and 30's in the coolest valleys. things really start to warm up. it will be sunny and the winds will be off shore. that will allow the readings to warm up. by 4:00 p.m. lots of '70's around the bay. even temperatures in the mid to upper '70's like santa rosa. 74 sonoma, napa and fairfield mid-70s. cooler at the beaches but a nice day at the ocean with sunshine, temperatures and low to mid '70's. union city 73, the bonds will pick up into the afternoon hours
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may be 30 to 35 perhaps 40 m.p.h. mid-70s from concord to walnut creek, pleasanton and '70s for the south bay. sunshine, 74 sunnyvale, milpitas 74. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay, the temperatures continue to go up for sunday. a great weekend both days saturday and sunday mid-70s bayside, near 80 inland and i think looking at some of the warmest weather of the year so far. all warm stretch for next week with '80s inland maybe even close to 90 degrees by thursday with the '70s bayside club you to the '80s by the end of the week. >>catherine: in national news, the space shuttle launch was scratched their having mechanical problems. nasa is hoping to try again monday to launch the shuttle endeavor on its final voyage. the crew didn't find out until the last minute. the spacecraft was fueled in
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the astronauts ready to go. when the countdown was halted about three and a half hours before liftoff it would of been the first time in nasa history that a sitting president and his family was witnessing the launch. even though the didn't happen, the president went ahead with a planned meeting with congresswoman gabrielle gifford. he met with her for about 10 minutes. he also greeted the shuttle crew. don't forget kron4 has exclusive coverage of the 100 zazzle, bay to breakers on kron4 that will be sunday, may 15th, beginning at 8:00 a.m. we have cameras all along the course and we will replay the event sunday night at 8:00 p.m. i am a sneeze whisperer.
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i am an allergy analyst. bermuda grass. ragweed. willow. i am a dander decoder. chihuahua. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about allergy relief.
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made with only premium cuts of pork since 1945.
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johnsonville. sausage is all we do. >>catherine: sharks' fans are the minutes away from round to. it's the fifth time in stanley cup playoff history they have made. vern has been mingling with the fans and is live at the shark tank. what's
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happening? >>vern: if this is the or birth, i cannot wait for the main course. that will be the sharks' red wings coming up in just a little bit after 7:00. we're in the oasis of the dont tank. everyone's in a great mood and the looking ahead to this weather. the red wings are no. 3 seed, of to the sharks have to choose to take command in this very important game one. gary will help more on that and how the warriors stepped up to get the quarterback they did. all that and more coming up in sports and about 10 minutes. for now live in santa clara, kron 4 news. >>catherine: kron 4 is partnering with stub hub to give away tickets to game 2. the that will be sunday. the
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sharks play the red wings. carefully tells us how to enter. >>kimberlee: i'm going to tell you exactly what to do. you have to go to kron 4 face book fan page. on the left selected this san jose sharks tickets sweepstakes. in order to enter the contest you have to be a fan of the kron 4 face book fan page. if you're not clicked like at the top, if you do it will say we like youtube. what should click there he will have access to a special kron 4 entry page to when the tickets. code for facebook page, and enter now to when the tickets to the senate playoff game between the sharks of the red wings. it will be back after the break.
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now, at 6:30 p.m., tonight's big stories in one big block of news. more crews, more stories. right now, today's top story. >>grant: new pictures of the tornadoes that swept through the southeast. alabama took the brunt of the storm, this image as it all. there used to be a department store here, now you can see it's a huge pile of rubble. the cars led everywhere. there were picked up and tossed around. 200 people confirmed dead, the overall death toll is now well over 300. president barack obama toward alabama friday, he said he never saw the devastation like this. reporting live, kron 4 news. >>gabe: officials here suspect the pair of workers may be responsible for a string of break-ins dating back to january of this year. there have been just 31 residential burglaries. so far usually this low crime area compare that to
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for two burglaries at this time much year. the majority of these gadget taken place during the daytime hours when homes are typically on occupied. and piedmont, kron 4 news. >>reporter: in san francisco the disney cruise ship wonder is paying a visit. it is the first time a ship from the popular disney cruise line has visited the bay area. when thousands of passengers get off to look around it will probably head down to the embarcadero. we spend a little money. business owners spoke with say they could see a 10 to 20% increase in revenue when the ship like this is in town. in san francisco charles clifford. >>rob: in san jose but please officers' union agreed to a 10% pay cut and pension reform. they said this could prevent the layoffs of the so-called tier two officers have to kick and is the union did not agree. city hall negotiator said the latest offer will probably not have
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an impact on the 106 layoff notices that one out earlier this week. in san jose, kron 4 news. >>jonathan: here at oakland city hall, they released three budget. but today is the worst-case scenario, budget be is a middle ground assuming some concessions from the labor union. budget see a sense that voters approve a property tax for additional revenue this summer. the worst-case scenario includes more than 300 city layoffs, the best case still includes about 80. in oakland, kron 4 news. >>terisa: continuing our coverage in oakland, 14 of the 90 libraries in oakland could be shut down if they financial picture does not improve. those using the library on this friday say they are shocked to hear about that, saying that during tough economic times it is vital to keep libraries open. in oakland, kron 4 news.
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>>jeff: bay to breakers is a little bit more than two weeks away and there are few things you need to know about the race. floats are out, in fact nothing with the we will will be allowed on a course. that includes strollers, skates are unicycles. no alcohol, as zero tolerance. one more thing is new, only registered runners will be allowed on the course. if you're not registered to be asked to leave. the start time for this year's races at 7:00 a.m.. reporting live, kron 4 news. >>catherine:: don't forget kron4 has exclusive coverage of the 100 zazzle, bay to breakers on kron4 that will be sunday, may 15th, beginning at 8:00 a.m. we have cameras all along the course and we will replay the event sunday night at 8:00 p.m. >>brian: great weather coming this weekend, sunshine and nice temperatures. things are warming up, still a breezy day for tomorrow but we will
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look at temperatures into the '70s, possibly close to 80 degrees for sunday with sunshine. next week is looking really nice. are going have such an all week and maybe a little bit of fog in the morning but otherwise '70s bayside, '80s for the warmest inland spots. the here is a look at your 7 day around the bay, weekend and next week agreed. we will see those readings, about a low to mid '80s inland baby will close to 90 degrees by thursday. '70's around the bay is warming up in the sierra as well. there could be 60s out there next week and still lots of snow. here is the ski report. kirkwood 20 ft. on the base, 4 lifts, 30 runs. sugar bowl six lifts, 82 runs. good skiing for the weekend.
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>>now, here is gabe slate, with some tech news. >>gabe: i have a climb of gadget to show you. it's a transformer, our regular net both with the push of one button the screen pops out and hold is a fully functional tablet. it's called the e pad transformer. the first 12 hours on the market it's sold out of amazon and target. they told me you'd probably find one and best buy stores. it works like a regular net book or tablet running on the new special operating system for tablets named honeycomb. i think it's brilliant tablets are great for casual web surfing and playing games. for one your document creating a network or laptop is just better, a lot faster when typing on a cute board. it is a 3d stereo speakers built in, the sound is really good. it has a five make a pixel cameras on the backside and a front facing camera for video chat in. the tablet will get 10 hours
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of battery life, what it's connected to the keyboard days, the keyboard access the charger and will add six hours extra battery life. i like the feel, look the physical keyboard, this is a good google base tablet. the e pad transformer is $400 for 16 k model and $500 for 32 gig model. gabe slate, kron 4 news >>catherine:. looking at the golden gate bridge, the traffic moving a little more slowly this friday evening but not bad. we will be right back with more news, weather and traffic in a few moments. the internet on a plane! are you from the future?
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>> that was my experience this morning. >>kimberlee: 20 minutes later she said she turned to the camera said she spoke to a supervisor to float or she could couldn't complain on line. the review the incident is said the officer followed proper procedure in the screening was done correctly. >>catherine: gary joined by his wife up next. if we will open up the mailbag to end
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your e-mail's. the forty- niners take a quarterback in the second round of the draft. gary tells you they got next. >>kimberlee: right now on if you missed any of the royal wedding this morning, we have you covered. visit our web site where you can watch the entire event at westminster abbey. while you're watching some through the official royal wedding program we posted on line and be sure to leave your comments for the royal couple on i'm done with all these lists.
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>>gary: the forty-niners got their quarterback today. call-in from nevada, they give up three draft choices to move up nine spots to take the real star. i say maybe because it will be what they call work in progress. he's not quite come and hear a knock
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anybody's socks off. his numbers are tremendous. only player to throw for more than 10,000 yds and rushed for 4000 in a career. jim harbaugh will of coverage. this young fellow 21 years of age the no. 1 draft choice by san francisco yesterday. it surprised a lot of people. sports illustrated did rank as a top-10 choice. alden smith it this is his first words as a 49. >> i was asleep, it's been amazing. it really hasn't kicked in, i'm enjoying every bit of that. >>gary: more forty-niner picks to come tomorrow. the raiders' first choice came in round two. >> the pick in the 2011 nfl draft at the oakland raider
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select stefan. >>gary: depict all these great stars to introduce the team choice, is also is a former raider all-pro who played 13 seasons with the silver and black. he's now assistant offensive line coach for the raiders. he's going to work with that young stefan, 22 years of age. the raiders were talking about 30 players arriving next week. they checked into training camp but to a federal appeals court in st. louis today put on hold another ruling that lifted the block out. right now they're locked out again. >> it's good to see everybody, he spends much time with everyone to not able to talk to them and communicate with them. it's good to be back. >>gary: the word is if they
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want to communicate the hot to do so by text for over the phone. all players in the nfl once again until the next ruling barred from their training facilities. as our home against the texas rangers. the giants had a rough go in washington d.c. tonight. lance taking a tim lincecum de. three runs, seven case. chastened markejason markey, going the distance. roger mcdowell had been placed on administrative leave, she is the pitching coach for the atlanta braves who reportedly made some vulgar homophobic and threatening comments during a game at at&t park. he said on record he's deeply sorry, but by
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now you know that gloria got involved, the fans hard themselves an attorney went from there. the sharks in detroit 10 minutes away, they one of round two. in the san jose arena, the sharks grow land tonight at 7:00 then noontime on sunday and the return back to detroit. is the third time in five years the sharks and the mighty detroit red wings have cooked up in the second round. the team is like, the sharks taking the red wings last year in five games. >> there always a fun game to be a part of. there was competitive games and a great franchise is going against one another. >>gary: katharine hennen reside in san jose, your feelings on the red wings and sharks? >>reporter: you know i'm
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rooting for. >>gary: don't >> with your hard, analytically break down. (laughter) >>brian: i think cincinnati will win. >>gary: that's the brian i know. he knows it's wether, but sports. >> (laughter) >>brian: he wants to say detroit but doesn't have the got a >>gary: . when we return it's email time, you name the sport our audience has a covered. >>reporter: we've got it all tonight, hockey, football everything. >>gary: one day she is going to say you shut up and stay home and call work. she's getting better and louder. >>reporter: will switch positions you stay there and all sit over there. >>gary: you ever notice she's a little younger than me. to know what my line
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is, i'm married someone younger what i may be i want her to carry me up the stairs. were coming back in a moment. i take you inside the reason i married a lucia.
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>>gary: don't make this big bold statement unless you back it up. when they're
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having this locked down, yes when millionaires are fighting. you say this. it is the one sport that i think a strike roof. people love this it's a sunday religion. i don't think it will hurt one bit. as long as it will missing games. >> by the forty-niners serious about bringing alex smith at quarterback? >>gary: i think so. i'm telling you, a public starts the first game with an incomplete pass people will start going. did it this guy, he's not going to be ready to start. unless they have someone on the download. i don't see it. alex smith. >>reporter: what is the matter with the giants? >>gary: they don't score runs. if you don't score you
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can't win. jason and i had a violent argument, of breakoff was a big hero last year. you're right it's only april, they didn't do hot until late august. here's my fame, i don't think they look like a world championship team right now. i don't think it really looks like last year until later on. if you want to be positive, look at last year, you want to be negative. >>reporter: half full, half- empty. i've heard you say overtime hockey is the most exciting moment in sports, and you really believe that? >>gary: what time of getting home and lie about that. the point being you can take your eye off the puck. football sudden-death to but it's different deal.
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baseball here's a kid shouldn't guy grabs his crotch and said. in other words it's five minutes over time, in hockey it's a bold. >>reporter: how this and as a breach with detroit as a hockey town? can the sharks beat them? >>gary: i think detroit has to much history. they've been playing hockey since the 30's. san jose fans took a step up when they started bowling people. when they lost 4-0 to the kings in around two they booed them off the ice. at the for catching up. it's called hockey top, did you know that? we were called orchard house, but and hockey they grow up with a stick. >>reporter: your daughter isabella is the 21st century shirley temple,
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which she has just the right amount of attitude. >>gary: she did steal the show what a few weeks ago but that will be the last time a while. nobody upstages daddy. if you want to eat. [ coach ] in albuquerque, citi pre-approved my mortgage.
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the wedding of the century is now sealed with that one-second kiss, and it happened right behind me. >> it was amazing. sharon, we have just witnessed history in the making. >> "the insider" is on. >> the newlyweds' historic short kiss. >> that enormous crowd demanded a do-over. >> william and kate from buckingham. their aston martin declaring "just wed." >> this is what the crowd has been waiting for. >> the reception today. kate's wardrobe change after saying i do. >> kate's nerves down the aisle. >> the three-minute walk into history.


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